This website is created, maintained and further developed by a family with mixed background from
both northern and southern Europe living in "sunny" Gothenburg, Sweden.
After many years of always eating the same food over and over again, we started to look for inspiration
for new recipes different and more fun to do and to share than the usual ones.
After a few years we noticed that the folder with our new and adapted recipes had grown quite a bit in size.
In 2010 we came up with the idea to create a place to keep lists of different categories of dishes,
make suggestions on new recipes, and maybe share recipes with other people from around the globe.
That was when the idea of creating a website from scratch instead of sharing them on already existing blogs started to take place.
It basically is the result of our different interests of cooking, photographing and programming combined with a
desire to share our hobbies together as a family activity. But of course the main driver for all this is and reamins our
wish to share great times at dinner with friends and family !
In 2013 the website started to take form and since then is continuously growing in size by the number of uploaded recipes
but also by adding new interesting functionalities for the visitors and users of our webpage.
A big thank you to all visitors and users of this webpage.
Happy cooking and bon appétit !, your favorite place to share your homemade recipes, and find inspiration for easy
and homemade recipes from around the world.
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