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Twisted Pizza Rolls
Twisted Pizza Rolls
1 Review.
Ever heard about twisted pizza rolls? Let me tell you all about these fun and delicious treats. Whenever I ask my kids what the like to eat on Friday evenings, I often get the same answer. Homemade pizza rolls. We enjoy them during movie nights, and the kids share them with their friends on their sleep overs or birthday parties. We also eat them outside in the garden during the summers BBQ parties. My kids even asking to help in the kitchen with the preparation, can you imagine that! Kids, asking to help with the dinner. Instead of making a piz

Ingredient List for 4 servings:
1 Bought Pizza dough
100 gr Shredded cheese
2 tablespoons Tomato sauce
Oven temperature:
210 degrees Celsius
Preheat the oven at 210 degrees Celsius.
Roll out the pizza dough, and divide in half.
On one of the halves, spread evenly the tomato sauce.
Sprinkle almost all the cheese.
Place the other half on top.
Cut in prefer rectangular sizes.
Make twist by holding on each end and turning on opposite directions. Continue with all the rolls.
Place on a baking paper.
Sprinkle the leftover cheese over the rolls.
Place in the oven for 10 minutes.
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