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Thin Pancakes
Thin Pancakes
7 Reviews.
I started to serve these pancakes as part of the Sunday brunch with the family. The kids loved them and only wanted to eat these thin pancakes, yes, I know what a surprise right! So now we started a new tradition to have pancake breakfast on Sundays instead. And do I need to say the kids longing for Sunday mornings. I got the inspiration to these pancakes when I was in Finland. In the Nordic countries the pancakes are usually thinner and wider than the American version, and commonly served together with berries, jam and whipped cream.

Ingredient List for 4 servings:
3 Eggs
600 ml Milk
180 gr Flour
2 tablespoons Butter
0.5 teaspoon Salt
Whip half of the milk with the flour.
Add the rest of the milk, eggs and salt and whip together. Let the batter rest for 15 minutes.
Melt the butter and add in the batter and mix.
Heat up a frying with some butter and fry the pancakes on both sides.
Add some butter before frying each pancake.
A selection of recipes from the same country.
This recipe is from Finland
These buns are a simple coffee breads with no filling. Cardamom spice is common in Nordic countires in Eurpoe in bread, cookies, biscuits and buns. These Cardamom buns are to be eaten as they are along with coffee or tea. These buns are not good to eat for breakfast, unless you are fond of sweet bread in the morning.
This is a cardamom bun dessert with almond paste and whip cream. It is a tradition to serve this in the Scandinavian countries on a Tuesday approximately 6 weeks before eastern. Be careful it is not light... but good.
This cake is super easy to make and takes just a few minutes to prepare. The cake has a wonderful combination of sweet and salty taste. It is a bit sticky in the middle and fits perfectly together with some vanilla whip cream.
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