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Puff pastry appetizers
Puff pastry appetizers
7 Reviews.
These super easy puff pastry are quick to do and are different appetizers. You just need to decide the shape and what topping you will use before starting. One idea is to shape them differently and to choose three to four different toppings.

Ingredient List for 2 servings:
1 Puff pastry roll
1 Egg
3 tablespoons Sesame seeds
3 tablespoons Poppy seeds
100 gr Grated cheese
Oven temperature:
180 degrees Celsius
Preheat the oven at 180 degrees Celsius.
Roll out the puff pastry dough on a baking paper, and brush the roll with a stirred egg.
Cut one two thirds in small triangles, and one third in rectangles.
On half of the triangles sprinkle the sesame seeds, and on the other half the poppy seeds.
The rectangles twist them in to long spirals, and sprinkle the grated cheese on top of them. Put them back on the paper again.
Place the paper on abaking sheet and place it in the middle of the oven for ten minutes. Take out your puff pastry appetizers and let them cool down before serving them.
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