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Coffee cake with almond bottom
Coffee cake with almond bottom
4 Reviews.
This is a homemade cake with a different type of bottom as it is made with almond pastry. This cake will not be a favorite among kids, it is meant for adults as the coffee taste comes out quite nicely. Though even if you are not a fan of coffee, the mix with almond gives it a lovely touch. It is perfect to serve this cake after a romantic couple dinner or when there will be only adults at the party !

Ingredient List for 10 servings:
600 gr Almond paste
600 ml Whipping cream
3 Egg Whites
1 tablespoon Cacao powder
2 tablespoons Vanilla sugar
2,5 tablespoons Instant coffee powder
1 tablespoon Butter
Oven temperature:
Preheat the oven at 175 degrees Celsius.
Pour the three egg whites in the bowl with the almond paste and mix it together with a fork. Make sure you don't have to big lumps.
Mark two circles approx twenty five centimeters in diameter on a baking paper, and then butter the circles on the paper.
Spread evenly the almond paste on the two circles.
Place the cake bottoms in the middle of the oven for fifteen minutes. If you can't place both the bottom at the same time, bake one by one, for fifteen minutes each in the middle of the oven.
Take out the cake bottoms from the oven when they have a light brown surface.
Let the bottoms in room temperature until they are cold.
Take away the bottoms from the baking paper, and lay one layer on the plate you will serve the cake on. Place the cake with the brown side up.
Whip the whipping cream together with the vanilla sugar, cacao powder and two tablespoons of instant coffee.
Place half of the whip cream on the first layer of the cake.
Place the second bottom on top of the whip cream of the first layer of the cake.
Pour the rest of the whip cream on the second layer of the cake. You can use a piping bag to make a nice pattern on the cake.
Place the cake cold in the fridge for minimum five hours. The best is if you have time to prepare the cake one day before the serving.
Right before serving the cake sprinkle the last of the instant coffee on top of the cake to make it look extra nice for your guests.
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