A homemade, easy and quick kid food to prepare for Eastern. This is a recipe for eggs shaped like chickens, which fits all year around. Could be a fun activity to make the kids be part of the egg preparations.
This is a popular variation of the traditional tarte flambée, you add some cheese on the top to give it a grated taste, and is usually served as one of the last one of the meal. Tarte flambée comes in many variations but the most popular ones are the classical one, forestière and the gratinée.
With this sauce you can put a French touch to your hamburger, grilled meat or use it as a dip to the French fries. It is a wonderful opportunity to make it if you have some brie or Camembert cheese at home, depending on how much cheese you like the sauce to taste.
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Looking for an inspiration for a different appetizer, mingle food or to bring on a picnic? Why not trying one of these cake salé, also known as salty bread or savory cake.
These breads are filled with different kinds of cheese and other salty ingredients.