A fast end easy soup to make on an autumn day and taste good together with white bread as a main dish. Or you can serve the soup as a starter in small serving bowls.
Homemade German obatzda cheese dip. This is the same Bavarian delicacy that you will find in the beer gardens. This cheese dip is very popular during the October fest. It is a mixture of Camembert cheese, butter, cream cheese and some spices. It is usually served on bread or together with pretzels and radishes.
This is a fun side dish for the kids when the eggs are looking like pigs. All you need is eggs, sausages and peppercorns and you’re ready to make your eggs looking like pigs. Only take a few minutes to prepare and can be made in advance to save time.
If you’ve been to a German Beer garden, you most probably been introduced to the typical cheese dip called obatzda. This homemade obatzda is made with cream cheese, camembert, butter, spices and of course some beer. Don’t forget to serve it together with radishes, red onion, bread or a bretzel. This is a perfect cold summer side dish.
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Looking for an inspiration for a different appetizer, mingle food or to bring on a picnic? Why not trying one of these cake salé, also known as salty bread or savory cake.
These breads are filled with different kinds of cheese and other salty ingredients.