Start the oven at 175 degrees Celsius.
Start to melt the butter to the cinnamon swirl in a casserol, add the sugar and the cinnamon and stir tigether. Take away the casserole from the stow and let it rest while you prepare the rest.
Butter a baking form, and sprinnkle the breadcrumbles over the butter.
Melt the butter for te mud cake in a casserole, and add the rest of the ingredints in the casserole and stir together.
Pour the mudcake mixture in the baking form.
Pour the swirl mixture gently in the baking form, and take a knife to drag back and fourth the batter to get a nice pattern.
Place the cake in the middle of the oven for 15 minutes.
Take it out and serve it half warm or cold together with whipped cream.