A healthy version of an after school snack made with cottages cheese, fruits, seeds and granola muesli. Is ready in 5 minutes and is not required any cooking skills, even the kids can even make it them self.
If you having a BBQ party and want to serve a different side dish to the meat this recipe might give you inspiration. While the pork fillet and potatoes are on the grill, you have plenty of time to spend with your guest. The home made garlic sauce enhance the flavor of both the meat and the potatoes.
This is a dish based on potatoes and whatever meat product you have as left over at home, like sausages, ham, bacon or kassler. Best served with fried eggs and salt cucumber or cooked beets.
This Swedish soft flatbread rolls are perfect as a starter, in you picnic basket, or when your are on the road. The rolls can be prepared the day before, and be in the fridge until serving. The smoked salmon taste best if you use a fillet and then take small pieces to your flatbread.
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Looking for an inspiration for a different appetizer, mingle food or to bring on a picnic? Why not trying one of these cake salé, also known as salty bread or savory cake.
These breads are filled with different kinds of cheese and other salty ingredients.