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Soft almond and chocolate macaroons
Soft almond and chocolate macaroons
4 Reviews.
These macaroons are different than the traditional french macaroons. They are soft, made of almond with chocolate bites inside. It takes only 30 minutes to prepare and can be kept for a few days in a tin box. Perfect to bring to an outdoor picnic or to a friends place.

Ingredient List for 2 servings:
2 Egg whites
1 tablespoon Sugar
110 gr Icing sugar
60 gr Almond powder
60 gr Grated dark chocolate
Oven temperature:
180 degrees Celsius
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius and place a baking paper on a baking tray.
Whip the egg whites in a bowl and add the sugar bit by bit and continue whipping until you have a hard foam.
Mix together in a bowl the icing sugar, ground almonds and grated chocolate.
Add gently the dry ingredients in the whisked egg foam.
Fill a macaroon piping bag or use two spoons to place small balls on the baking sheet. Do not place them to close to each other.
Tap gently the baking sheet a few times on the work surface to help the macaroon mixture to settle and to break any air bubbles.
Bake them in the preheated oven for about 10 minutes. They are cooked when they feel firm.
Remove from the baking paper only when they are cold otherwise they will brake.
The macaroons can be eaten immediately in that case they are very dry or let them in a room for a few hours so they are more chewy and tasty.
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