Winter is not yet over, we still have cold morning and evenings. When arriving home cold after a walk, I felt like making a soup to get warmed up again. This is what I came up with after looking in the fridge. A quick and easy creamy tortellini soup thrown together right before dinner time.
This is a simple homemade recipe for tomato sauce, which does not need to cook for several hours. You can use fresh tomatoes as well as tomatoes in cans. One can use this sauce together with pasta and meatballs, as pizza topping or as a base for a tomato soup.
A typical italian pizza with serrano ham and olives. To enhence the flavor even more it is good to add some arugula on the pizza after you take it out from the oven.
Looking for an inspiration for a different appetizer, mingle food or to bring on a picnic? Why not trying one of these cake salé, also known as salty bread or savory cake.
These breads are filled with different kinds of cheese and other salty ingredients.