This is a homemade cold chicken sauce is wonderfully creamy. It is perfect together with baked potatoes, cold salads, or as a filling in a baguette or a in a wrap. You prepare it in a few minutes, and if you don´t like curry it is possible to change to paprika powder instead.
Everyone knows that Swedes are crazy about their lingonberries and serve it to all kinds of food. This cheesecake recipe with lingonberries proves that you can have a dinner with lingonberries as a theme ! The autumn is the season for these berries. If you don't want to go out in the forest to pick them yourself you will find fresh ones in the shops during this period of the year, or frozen ones all year around.
These are small and delicious nougat bars that are easy to make and can be kept in the freezer for 3 months. Fits perfect when you have many guests or as an afternoon treat to the coffee
This recipe is for the classical Swedish cinnamon rolls (kanelbullar). This is the most famous coffee bread in Sweden. They are so popular so October the fourth is the official day of the cinnamon rolls (kanelbullens dag). This is one of the first recipes you learn to bake as a kid., your favorite place to share your homemade recipes, and find inspiration for easy
and homemade recipes from around the world.
Looking for an inspiration for a different appetizer, mingle food or to bring on a picnic? Why not trying one of these cake salé, also known as salty bread or savory cake.
These breads are filled with different kinds of cheese and other salty ingredients.